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Facts about Morten Dam

13 years in Network Marketing/ Homebased Business
Proud to say, that I have only been involved with 2 companies throughout this period
Entrepreneur & (also) ‘tradition’ business owner of two additional companies
Family man & proud father of four wonderful kids.
Triple Diamond ASEA Partner
Network of 10.000 people spread over 20 + countries
Relations created through online and live interactions
I want to inspire & motivate people to understand that with a positive attitude, simple disciplines & good habits, they will experience success.

My story

I’ve always had a true passion for the concept of ‘working smart’
I was never interested in spending most of my waken or sleeping hours working on someone else’ dream while being away from my family for the most of the day.
So I knew that Network Marketing would be one of my income sources.
This profession has already taken me places I never dreamed of visiting and taught me skills beyond what I’ve ever imagined.

My name is Morten Dam, I’m a father of four and currently living through my early thirties.
I have been working with Network Marketing since 2008 and I KNOW that this industry provides possibilities for everyone who seeks more time, money and freedom IF they are willing to work for it.

If this sparks any interest within you, then don’t hesitate to contact me.
Let’s have a talk.